Thursday 5 July 2012

Wisconsin Local 1848 Shirts

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Wisconsin Local 1848 Shirts
Click Here to view details about Wisconsin Local 1848 Shirts
Wisconsin Local 1848 Shirts by FVSHOshkosh
Some reporters can't tell a state flag from a union banner as displayed by Politico reporter Donovan Slack. When Pres. Obama visited Masterlock in Milwaukee, Slack reported that he stood before the "Wisconsin Union Local 1848" flag. Hint Donovan: that was the Wisconsin state flag. Wisconsin is amidst some of the greatest labor strife in years as Governor Scott Walker rolls back bargaining rights for public workers. Show your support for free labor with pride! I'll donate all proceeds to Actblue.
Related Searches: wisconsin, unions, labor, scott, walker, obama, politics, afscme, weac, teachers
This and many more wisconsin posters and unions prints, click on any poster to view more info.

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